What is half life rated
What is half life rated

All these electronics require a reliable source power, and poor battery condition can cause expensive electronic component failure. Consider today's vehicle and all the electrical devices that must be supplied with power. Present day chassis battery power requirements are huge. If you keep taking out and putting nothing back, you'll have nothing left. The same chemical principle that's being used to store energy is basically the same as our great grandparents used.Ī battery is like a piggy bank. The lead acid battery has been used commercially for over 100 years. This means I may generalize a bit, while staying true to purpose. I have found that battery data will vary somewhat from manufacturer to manufacturer, so I will do my best to boil that data down.

what is half life rated

I'm going to attempt to explain how lead acid batteries work and what they need, without burying you with a bunch of needless technical data. You've most likely heard the term KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). At BatteryStuff, we aim to clear that up a bit. If it’s too hot, too cold, too wet, or too windy the runner won’t run as fast or as far.If you have done any research on how batteries work or what you should look for when selecting the best high performance battery, you're probably buried in information, some of which is conflicting. If a bulb is used in an area that is hot (above an oven or in the ceiling), cold (in a freezer or outdoors in winter), wet (exposed to rain or near a sprinkler), or vibrating (near machinery or slamming door)-any “abnormal” situation-the ARL will most likely not be reached.

what is half life rated

Keep in mind that ARL tests are run at conditions that can reasonably be expected in typical applications. In general, the ARL for a bulb that turns on and off once a day will be much longer than a bulb that turns on and off many times a day. Incandescent, halogen, and LED bulbs are less affected by on/off cycles than Fluorescent, Compact Fluorescent, and HID bulbs. Turning a bulb on and off, on and off, on and off reduces the ARL. Some bulbs may have failed within 50 hours, some within 450 hours, some within 700 hours, etc.

what is half life rated

For example if 100 bulbs are tested and have an ARL of 1000 hours, 50 of the bulbs had died when the test time reached 1000 hours. In the light bulb industry, the Average Rated Life (ARL) is how long it takes for half the light bulbs in a test batch to fail.

What is half life rated